Dynamics of Conservation Conflicts between Tanzania's National Parks and Adjacent Communities: A Case Study of Saadani National Park, Tanzania


Michael Muganda


The dynamics and drivers of conservation conflicts can be very different depending on where they occur. Thus, if conflicts are to be adequately addressed, their context must be clearly understood. Using the case study of SANAPA, this paper aims to contribute to the understanding of these issues by examining the dynamics of conservation conflicts between Tanzania's National Parks and adjacent communities. It explores this using a multiple-method approach of qualitative research based on: in-depth semi-structured interviews with community leaders and park staff; informal discussions with local communities; document analysis; and a three-month period of field observations coupled with my experience with the wider community.

The results show that SANAPA is confronted with enormous conservation conflicts with its adjacent communities. These include boundary conflicts, resource-use conflicts, human-wildlife conflicts, and conflicts related to encroachment and blockage of wildlife corridors. These conflicts present challenges to the management of SANAPA as they threaten biodiversity conservation in and around the park leading to loss of habitat, over-exploitation of park resources, fragmentation of the park, loss of critical ecological connectivity between important habitats, loss of important dispersal area for wildlife, threatened species and increased pressure on park resource-use. This paper discusses these conflicts and argues that the root causes of such conflicts revolve around a combination of factors arising from the park itself, local communities, investors as well as government agencies and institutions, and are reinforced by the media.



How to Cite
Muganda, M. (2018). Dynamics of Conservation Conflicts between Tanzania’s National Parks and Adjacent Communities: A Case Study of Saadani National Park, Tanzania. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 6(10). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/138031