Gender Dimensions and Market Relationship: A Marketplace Scenario


R. Rajesh


Market has taken a very important position both in the academic and practical parlance. Products, goods and services are the important components of market studies, but with the evolution of market exchange, has there been any change in the division of labour especially with reference to women. Monetary issues predominate the economist's perspective, the women's role, participation and functioning pattern have hardly got the attention of many. The present study looks into the role of women in the marketplace situation and addresses the cultural dimensions involved therein. The study is based on the empirical study by selecting four varieties of markets in a town which in transition from traditional to modern market situation. Theoretical debates concerning stereotyped perceptions on women are also discussed.



How to Cite
Rajesh, R. (2014). Gender Dimensions and Market Relationship: A Marketplace Scenario. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(1). Retrieved from