The Role of the Literary Artist in Improving Good Governance and the Administration of Justice; Viewing Wole Soyinka's "From Zia, with Love” with a Ghanaian Lens


Michael A. Brigandi


The lack of good governance, effective administration of justice and leadership in general, have been the bane of most African countries. A lot of the socio-economic and political challenges can be traced to bad governance perpetuated by self-seeking leaders, be they civilian or military. A good number of literary critics have in diverse ways raised concerns on this issue, either overtly or covertly. One such literary critic is Wole Soyinka' presentation of "From Zia with Love”. This paper provides an avenue that mirrors the situation in Ghana.  The very concerns of Soyinka when he wrote his satiric play fourteen years ago are the concerns of many well meaning Ghanaians today. The study reveals that The play is virtually re-enacted in our present day Ghana. The issue of bribery and corruption, deplorable prison conditions, and drug trafficking are all issues that have engaged the minds of many in the country.. This paper begins with a look at the basis of Soyinka's criticism, and how he echoes the concerns of other literary artists. This is followed by an analysis of the play: its themes and techniques, with close reference to the text. Finally, it undertakes an assessment of the appropriateness of Soyinka's choice of title and the relevance of the play to our modern day Ghanaian society.         


How to Cite
Brigandi, M. A. (2014). The Role of the Literary Artist in Improving Good Governance and the Administration of Justice; Viewing Wole Soyinka’s "From Zia, with Love” with a Ghanaian Lens. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(2). Retrieved from