Impact of Democracy on State Policies for Women's Empowerment


Budhi Sagar Mishra


Commonly democracy refers to a type of political system and this system denotes   representation of people in the equal manner which is originated by the people means, equal and right participation of the society in the form of equality in the eye of law, which is originated by the people for the people. So the Democracy is a law full assembly of citizens there is no discrimination of the right, on the basis of gender, caste, age, sex. There is no any other type of social imbalance which produced injustices in society or Inequality in the eye of law, economic and right. Naturally, societies worked by severity and use the power of democracy in the consent of natural justices and makes policies for the ruled people and implement to the people. In the democratic constitution of state, state constitution produce the rule, regulation and legal base for preparation for state policies under the sense, of protection and promotion of the society, including safety, security, and assistance of the weaker section of the state, by the social, legal humanity's based regulations and representative government also responsible for encouraging the people for participation in socioeconomic-political system of society. We analyzed the impact of Democratic state policies, nature and effect in reference of women's empowerment in different classes of society and each phase of society.


How to Cite
Mishra, B. S. (2015). Impact of Democracy on State Policies for Women’s Empowerment. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(3). Retrieved from