Role of Body Language in Achieving Successful Negotiation


Shradhanjali Saiwal


Communication is a Latin word which means to share or to express. Everyone of us use communication in different ways like talking to each other, discussing among group members, reading a newspaper, thinking and even day dreaming. If you happen to smile at someone, then also you are communicating. We express ourselves not only with verbal exchange, but also with our facial expression, voice, tone, body language our feelings are expressed. Body language is one of the most important aspects of our life. We cannot imagine a human expressing without body language, especially in the business world. In business, negotiation is a term used like a splash of colors. To have a good business one should have good negotiation and to have good negotiation one should have good body language, all are interdependent. This article is mainly focusing on how good body language and good negotiation go hand in hand. Different cultures call for different body language. Therefore, way of negotiation varies from culture to culture. Good body language can result in win-win situation.


How to Cite
Saiwal, S. (2018). Role of Body Language in Achieving Successful Negotiation. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(3). Retrieved from