Culture, Work Ethics and Productivity in Nigeria


Tony Onwumah


Productivity as conceptualized in this paper is, the volume of goods and services produced per unit of time by an individual or country. It examines productivity in Nigeria and submits that the Nigerian is hardworking and highly productive. In instances where he is not productive is because of alienation. On the other hand, the work ethics in Nigeria supports hard work and high productivity. There is no culture in Nigeria, which does not support hard work. From an examination of the various cultures in Nigeria including the two dominant religions of Christianity and Islam all condemn laziness and extol the virtues of hard work. Part of the problem of motivation and productivity is the failure to incorporate traditional management practices into contemporary and borrowed ones. It concludes on the note that, if progress will be made in the area of motivation, hard work and productivity, recourse to sociocultural, psychological and emotional factors are inevitable.


How to Cite
Onwumah, T. (2015). Culture, Work Ethics and Productivity in Nigeria. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(3). Retrieved from