The Effectiveness of Overeaters Anonyms Program with Bulimia: An Exploration Study


Eid G. Abo Hamza


Overeaters Anonymous (OA) founded in USA 1960 (Wasson & Jackson, 2004). OA started effectively in Egypt in 2006. The twelve step program offers healing from the power of food over her head from 3 sides; physical, spiritual, and emotional aspects. The purpose of the study is to identify and describe the integral components of OA program and to specify how the current case operates in the recoveries of women had a bulimia. The prevalence of eating disorders among Western white women have been widely researched over the past decade (Ford, 1990)). While there has not been a great deal of research with non-Western women, existing research suggests a lower incidence of eating disorders in non-Western countries.

The purpose of the study is to identify and describe the integral components of OA program and to specify how the current case operates in the recoveries of a woman had a bulimia nervosa, according to DSM-IV criterions (APA, 2000). Moreover, the current study supported by a couple of interviews with an American lady and an Egyptian lady, both of them are attending the OA meeting continuously. Therefore, I am going to analyze those interviews to the check the culture issues factor in treating with OA program.

The study's results are following: Firs of all: The interaction with the sponsor; the data revealed that the clients have been involved in a long run interaction with her sponsor. Second: the clients described writing as a powerful tool that helps her to identify her feeling that triggered binge eating and purging. Third: The clients described prayer, meditation and spirituality as a powerful recovery tool. Fourth: Adherence to food plan 301 helped all the participants to lose weight. A client lost 55.5 pounds in a year. Moreover, client does not think about suicide now. The Egyptian clients feels today happy as client expressed "I am a human being and I deserve to be happy because God created me, I am so happy that I do not fight with food anymore and it does not have the same influence on me.” Fifth: The most important benefit from the program is the emotion behind the food. How can the 12 steps program components help overeaters to control themselves in front of the food and how can they prevent themselves from binging? The program can succeed if it becomes a way of life. Sixth: How culture diversity impact on the way of recovery and OA meetings. Culture issues play an important role in treating all of the kind of eating disorders.

In conclusions, culture plays a vital role in the treatment process of the OA meeting in a western culture (American culture) and eastern culture (Egyptian culture). How the diagnosis and treatment of bulimia in eastern country different than a western country?


How to Cite
Hamza, E. G. A. (2015). The Effectiveness of Overeaters Anonyms Program with Bulimia: An Exploration Study. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(12). Retrieved from