Contributions of Pot-Making Skill on Women Empowerment in Nrobo Community of Uzouwani Local Government, Enugu State, Nigeria
The need to raise the standard of living of women especially the rural-based cannot be overemphasized. They constitute a meaningful portion of the rural populace and contribute in the socioeconomic development of their families and the community in general. Hence, this study examined pot making skill in Nrobo community of Uzouwani LGA, Enugu State as source empowerment to women in the rural community. The study sought to examine how pot-making skill provided women in Nrobo community with source livelihoods; how the skill protects women in Nrobo community from involving in women related vices; the possible ways to make pot-making skill attractive to women in Nrobo community and the challenges of pot-making skill of women in Nrobo community. The study adopted Focus Group Discussion (FGD) method in conducting the research. The sample is drawn from various women groups in Nrobo community. The findings of the research among others included that pot making skill in Nrobo community has usefully empowered women to be self-reliant; that lack of accessible road to the clay site, superstition, poor transportation system and advancement in plastic industries are some impediments to pot making skill in Nrobo community. The recommendations for making pot making attractive to women in Nrobo community include awareness creation for the skill, enlightenment/reorientation to disabuse the belief that pot making is Ohe deity business and interventions of government and influential private individuals to make paths to clay sites accessible, provision of steady water supply and invention of modern tools for the skill.