Constraints in Efficient and Speedy Trial Process in Nigeria: The Case of Criminal Justice Administration


Samson Erhaze
Daud Momodu


It is a fundamental constitutional requirement provided for under the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria that every litigant shall be entitled to a fair hearing within a reasonable time by a court or other tribunal established by law. The importance of prompt dispensation of justice cannot be over emphasized. A judge must therefore ensure that everything is done to give effect to this all important provision of the constitution. It is axiomatic that justice delayed is justice denied. This saying is of utmost relevance in Nigeria, having regard to the general social, political and economic trends which could have far reaching effect on the outcome of litigation. A judge should therefore accord priority attention to prompt dispensation of justice. The prevailing practice in Nigerian criminal justice system has been that cases linger on for years. As a result, many prefer to resort to self help rather than wait for a lethargic and laborious justice system. This paper therefore attempts to examine the causes of the delay in quick dispensation of justice in criminal trials and how it has impeded progress in the Nigerian criminal justice system. With the ultimate aim to proffering a way forward, an attempt will be made to examine this multifaceted concept as it applies to pre-trial criminal process, namely, report and investigation of complaints, legal advice from the Ministry of Justice, arraignment and trial in a court of law.


How to Cite
Erhaze, S., & Momodu, D. (2015). Constraints in Efficient and Speedy Trial Process in Nigeria: The Case of Criminal Justice Administration. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(9). Retrieved from