A Longing for Love and Self-Fulfilment- A Study of Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre


Mudasir Bhat Ahmad Bhat
Jon Mohd Bhat


Charlotte Bronte does not occupy the highest position in the genre of fiction but she is a well known novelist with a thin oeuvre. Charlotte was extremely intelligent and is widely known for the art of characterisation, especially eccentric types. Charlotte Bronte reflected on the injustice done to women. Hence, with the pseudonym of Currer Bell she conveyed her new thoughts regarding the role of women in the nineteenth Century. She tried to convey her views that the society she is living in would never accept any change readily. Hence she made fiction a vehicle for propagating her views regarding the enlightenment of women. During the Victorian age, the position of women in society was low and they were regarded inferior to men. They were deprived of all their rights; whether legal, political, economic, educational or professional. The average Victorian woman was treated not as a person but as an object or piece of property. This research article chronicles Jane Eyre's quest for love and her attempts at achieving the sense of self-fulfilment that seem to be her primary goal-posts in the whole gossamer of the novel.


How to Cite
Bhat, M. B. A., & Bhat, J. M. (2015). A Longing for Love and Self-Fulfilment- A Study of Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(9). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/139170