The Role of European Aceh Monitoring Mission (AMM) in Indonesia Case Study Disarming Aceh Separatist Free Movement


Zulham .


The article discuses the involvement of European Union in Indonesia's intra-state political conflict. It is difficult for foreign states to interfere the country's domestic affair. Many national and local arguments refuse external actor existence to play inside one of this South East ASEAN region. However, the pace accord took place on 15 August 2005 between the government of Indonesia and the Free Separatist Movement which is well known as GAM. Further, the peace agreement called as Helsinki (Finland) memorandum of understanding, after more than 32 years the political conflict took place. Eventually GAM ready to be disarmed as authorized by the signed Helsinki regulation agreement. Therefore, GAM disarmament is new entering gate for European countries to interfere within the county and across in the form of Aceh Monitoring Mission (AMM)


How to Cite
., Z. (2015). The Role of European Aceh Monitoring Mission (AMM) in Indonesia Case Study Disarming Aceh Separatist Free Movement. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(9). Retrieved from