TESL Trainee' Attitudes towards Teaching Grammar in Malaysian Secondary Schools


Samira Nikian
Faizah Mohamad Nor


Historically, English language arts educators have strongly disagreed about the role of grammar instruction in students' literacy development (Weaver, 1996; Mulroy, 2003), and despite the importance of teachers' attitudes and the continuing controversy over grammar instruction, few studies have explored TESL trainees' attitudes about the role of grammar instruction in English language arts education. The purpose of this qualitative, interpretive research was to investigate 15TESL (teaching English as Second Language)trainee' attitudes and practices related to grammar and the teaching of grammar. The main instrument for collecting data in this study was in depth interview. The finding were emerged through qualitative analysis.


How to Cite
Nikian, S., & Nor, F. M. (2015). TESL Trainee’ Attitudes towards Teaching Grammar in Malaysian Secondary Schools. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(10). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/139276