Youth, Attitudes and Values


Joy Ullattil


Youth is ever changing in their outlook so too in their value system. The transient period of growth from adolescence to youth hood and the changing environment around them contribute to this. They are attuned to these changes than any other section of the population. For this very reason, the value system held by them is often transitory. Such unsteady nature of value system often creates conflicts among themselves as well as in the larger society. The older generation finds difficult to understand the youth and vice-versa, creating misunderstandings, anxiety and frustration in both. It is not rare that the older generation blames the youth for deviating from the traditional value system which they have tried to instill into their children. A study on the changing nature of value system in the youth will throw light into these ongoing phenomena.


How to Cite
Ullattil, J. (2015). Youth, Attitudes and Values. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(10). Retrieved from