Teacher Perceptions on the Role of Guidance and Counselling in Addressing School Dropout in Primary Schools in Kenya


Peninah Kaptuiya Chebon
Mumiukha K. Catherine
Kisilu M. Kitainge


Despite the government's provision of free primary education (FPE), school dropout in primary schools is an issue of concern in Kenya. According to the Ministry of Education (MoE) guidance and counselling is provided in all primary schools and its role is to address pupils' concerns such as personal, social, academic and emotional problems. A considerable number of primary school children in Ainabkoi Division dropout of school before completing the primary school education system. Statistics from Ministry of Education (MoE) office in Ainabkoi indicate that 25% of the pupils drop out of school before completing their primary education. This study investigated teacher perceptions on the role of guidance and counselling in addressing school drop-outs in primary schools in Ainabkoi Division. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. The target population of the study consisted of 38 head teachers and 320 teachers drawn from 38 primary schools in the Division. Proportional sampling method was used to select schools from Ainabkoi and Kipkabus zones. Purposive sampling was used to identify Head teachers while simple random sampling technique was used to select the teachers. Steins method was used to select the sample size. This gave a sample size of 11 head teachers and 167 teachers that is; 178 respondents. A Questionnaire and an interview guide were utilized in collecting information from teachers and head teachers respectfully. Data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics which included frequencies and percentages. The study established that schools have guidance and counselling programme that are used to address cases of absenteeism, indiscipline, truant behaviour, bullying, illness, academic performance while school dropouts was largely ignored. The results established that teachers perceived that the role of guidance and counselling is to diagnose potential dropouts in primary schools Ainabkoi Division. The study found out that guidance and counselling is used to identify potential dropouts, feelings of potential dropouts, pupils abusing drugs and those from abusive homes. Based on the findings, the study recommended that, guidance and counselling should be used to address school dropout right from pre- primary level and be made a continuous process to primary level.



How to Cite
Chebon, P. K., Catherine, M. K., & Kitainge, K. M. (2015). Teacher Perceptions on the Role of Guidance and Counselling in Addressing School Dropout in Primary Schools in Kenya. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(10). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/139296