Critical Discourse Analysis: Demystifying the Fuzziness


Shafaat Hussain
Alamayehu Jote
Sumaiya Sajid
Sumaiya Sajid


We are living in a world of fast track capitalism and brutal inequality. Each discourse practice (text-talk-visual) carries bias in terms of angle of representation in one way or another. There is no neutral text that exists and "bias” is a matter of degree. A discourse practice (text-talk-visual) is not value free rather socio-politically situated. Reflection on the role of scholars in society and the polity is an inherent character of the critical discourse analysis (CDA).An attempt to re-contextualize the text and context systematically is CDA as authority and ideology are embedded in discourses. This term paper is centered on some fragments of CDA to understand its conceptual entity; the scope in which it operates; the principle upon which its edifice is constructed; the feature that distinct it from the other discourses; the historicity of post modernity that it cherishes, the approaches wherein it swims; the theoretical frameworks within which it re-contextualizes the language and its social context; and finally, the critical comments that is forwarded which leads it to be more rigorous.


How to Cite
Hussain, S., Jote, A., Sajid, S., & Sajid, S. (2015). Critical Discourse Analysis: Demystifying the Fuzziness. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(10). Retrieved from