Effect of Selected Yogic Practices on the Management of Stress among Hypertensive Patients


V. Suseela


Aims of Study: To study the effect of selected yogic practices on the management of stress in mild and moderate hypertensive patients.

Material and Methods: In this study, 45 samples each in experimental and control group, both male and female patients in the age group between 40 years and 60 years with mild and moderate hypertensive patients. From this study, it is observed that the application of selected yogic practices would reduce stress in case of experimental group compared to control group due to yogic interventions between pre and post training period.

Study Period : Experimental Group: Yoga training given for a period of Six months – six days in a week of one hour duration and Follow up period for six months once in a week of one hour duration.

Control Group – Monitored the stress assessment without yogic practices for the twelve months

Result:  The average stress level of experimental group was much higher than the control group at the base line. After one year, the stress level decreased among the members of the experimental group; but was found to have increased in the control group. Hence, the inference is that, yogic practices decreased the stress level among the sample.

Conclusion: Yoga can play an important role for reducing the stress level in mild and moderate hypertensive patients.


How to Cite
Suseela, V. (2015). Effect of Selected Yogic Practices on the Management of Stress among Hypertensive Patients. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(4). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/139939