Role in Revealing Police Investigators Crime Corruption


Henny Flora Saida Flora


Civil Servant Investigators set out in Article 6 paragraph (1) letter b of the Criminal Procedure Code, the Civil Servants who have the functions and powers as an investigator. Basically they have authority rooted in the provisions of a special law that has set itself the authority granting the investigation on one of the articles. So in addition to the official police investigators, Criminal Law specifically authorizes the Civil Service officials concerned to conduct an investigation. Investigation authority possessed by the official only limited civil servants along with related offenses stipulated in the laws of the particular criminal.

The role of police investigators to uncover corruption is in Act No. 2 of 2002 on the Indonesian National Police  In accordance with Article 25 of Law No. 31 Year 1999 on Eradication of Corruption that "the investigation , prosecution , and examination at trial in corruption cases shall take precedence over other cases to completion as soon as possible ". This is consistent with the spirit of reform that makes a grand strategy Police Police Police Leadership in Strategic Policy in it, that eradication of Corruption is a priority for the police. Police role here becomes very important, because the police spearhead the development of law enforcement even though police and prosecutors in addition, states should establish another institution that focuses on corruption is the Corruption Eradication Commission ( KPK ), this was due to the Corruption is crime which is extra ordinary and has a great implication for inhibition of progress of the country, also the majority of perpetrators of corruption in the bureaucracy are in authority so that it takes in order to get past superbodi agency regulations.

Eradicate corruption in the handling of the police also have to work together with other relevant institutions are included in the Criminal Justice System so that it can uncover cases of corruption following the motives and perpetrators as well as save the state money.


How to Cite
Flora, H. F. S. (2015). Role in Revealing Police Investigators Crime Corruption. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(4). Retrieved from