What Are the Causes of Insurgency in Balochistan


Nishi Slathia


Balochistan has been Pakistan's Achilles heel. It is the largest province in entire South Asia and it has been in turmult for most part of its post-colonial existence. Successive Pakistan regimes, in their misplaced quest for national unity, have attempted to suppress even half-hearted attempt at decentralization perceiving them as steps towards disintegration. Of all the sub-nationalism, the biggest threat to Pakistan at present is posed by the Baloch nationalism. The feeling of alienation is more intense amongst the Baloch as compared to other ethnic group in Pakistan for historical and economic reasons. One of the causes of insurgency has been a perception that Baloch have been denied representation in the government. As a result people find it difficult to identify themselves with the government. The Baloch also fears that they are being marginalized in their own province by the rising influx of outsiders. As far as these grievances are concerned a strong sense of ethnic identity mixed with a feeling of political marginalization and economic exploitation has proved to be a strong reason for insurgency in Baluchistan. This paper attempts to analyze some of these grievances which have ultimately led to violence in Balochistan.


How to Cite
Slathia, N. (2015). What Are the Causes of Insurgency in Balochistan. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(4). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/139978