Media and Education: Waning Gap between Electorate & Politics


Prashanth V.
Viraj K.


The effort to bring youth into active political participation was made by the previous governments by decreasing the age of voting from 21 to 18 years. This was to ensure that a large section of youths, who were cut-off from voicing their option in government formation, now will have a strong voice in expressing their choice.

The advent of media particularly growth of New Media, social networking and the emergence of number of news channels started providing more and more space for politics. Youth started taking active interest in politics of after the electronic media gadded to exercise their franchisee. The political leaders also realised the importance of wooing the end voters and there by gain political leverages, off late the emergence of social networking sites, coupled with television have greatly increased the intensity of influencing the young minds. This evidences that the gaps have decline the percentage of youth voting in recent election and their participation in Anna Hazare and AAP moments.

In this respective paper an effort as be made for examining how the youths are being drawn into the political arena and their role in the present day politics by Social Networking and Media. This will be done based on secondary data sources and with some case studies.


How to Cite
V., P., & K., V. (2015). Media and Education: Waning Gap between Electorate & Politics. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(4). Retrieved from