Does Regime Type Effect Economic Growth or Performance?


Agada Fakumo Timikoru
Halidu Shehu Adbullahi
Anyigor Chukwuma Nwankwo


It has been observed that political institutions and regime types effect economic growth and performance.  This paper attempts an overview and evaluates the questionable assumption that democracy has its skeptical impact on development where democratic system is treated as a more or less immediate cause of economic development. This article argue this hypothesis contradicting the belief that current economic condition of a nation is a subsequent effect of its regime history and its current standing and is not entirely dependent on the current political regime. 


How to Cite
Timikoru, A. F., Adbullahi, H. S., & Nwankwo, A. C. (2015). Does Regime Type Effect Economic Growth or Performance?. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(6). Retrieved from