Women Empowerment with Reference to Self Help Group Members in Tamil Nadu


J. Lakshmi
J. Godwin Prem Singh


Women empowerment has become an important concept which denotes giving power to powerless in terms of Socio- Economic, Educational, Decision Making abilities, Leadership skill, Political, and Psychological development of women. In this the Self Help Groups have been playing a vital role towards development of women. Initially it is started with the aim of improving economic status of women then it realized the other aspects development such as decision making ability, leadership therefore the government insisted the significance of such development and hence the more number of training modules introduced among Self Help Group Members. As a result, the present study aimed at to understand the Socio- Economic Characteristics, the Leadership quality and Decision-Making ability among the Self Help Group Members. And the study had also attempted to describe the relationship between the selected socio-demographic variables and subject variables. Present study found that few independent variables had relationship with dependent variables.  Therefore, Based on the findings of the present study the appropriate suggestions and   measures given to the different bodies which is involved in empowerment of women.


How to Cite
Lakshmi, J., & Singh, J. G. P. (2014). Women Empowerment with Reference to Self Help Group Members in Tamil Nadu. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(4). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/140092