Women Empowerment through Breaking Glass Ceiling


G. Sai Sravanthi


Building up of a society depends on the involvement of women in decion making. Empowerment refers to increasing the spiritual, political, social, economic strength of individuals & communities. Women empowerment is an important tool in upliftment of economic, social &political status of women in society. So women has to be empowered in all aspects & areas.

Inequality between men & women, discrimination, culture, stereotype attitude towards women are some of the predisposing factors which leads to exploitation & suppression of women.

Glass ceiling is discriminatory barrier that prevents women from getting to top positions. Strategies for breaking glass ceiling plays an crucial role for effective women empowerment. Women need to know their rights, be aware of obstacles ,should possess abilities to access information & resources for decision making, can make alternatives & select the best one, Self identification of their hidden capabilities, potentialities, problem solving skills. This paper focuses On how& in which areas the women are being suppressed & strategies, measures need to be taken, employed so that breaking of glass ceiling is done & sustainable deveoplment of women is achieved.


How to Cite
Sravanthi, G. S. (2015). Women Empowerment through Breaking Glass Ceiling. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(6). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/140112