An Assessment of Argument Licensing Morphology in the Sentence Structure of Lutsotso


Evaline Osore
David Ongarora
Peter M. Matu


This paper focuses on Lutsotso verb derivation as the major morphological process involved in argument licensing. This paper, therefore, discusses verbal derivations and movement for feature checking using Chomsky's Government and Binding (GB) theory and the Minimalist Program (MP). In addition, the paper delves into the argument changing processes in the syntax of Lutsotso. Subsequently, relevant morphological processes associated with verb valence are analyzed since they determine the argument structure of the verb.


How to Cite
Osore, E., Ongarora, D., & Matu, P. M. (2014). An Assessment of Argument Licensing Morphology in the Sentence Structure of Lutsotso. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(8). Retrieved from