Looking for Alternative Way to Provide Free and Compulsory Primary Education, Financial Reason – A Case Study of Champhai District in Mizoram


R. Lalthanliana


Primary Education under the studied area is passing through its transitional period in its management from Government to the Private Enterprise. The period now lasts more than two decades. Now the private institutions are booming and are mostly chosen by majority family.  Meanwhile the state Government allocated a large amount of fund for providing free education through its established Educational Institutions. This article is highlighting financial benefits for the State if immediate shift is practiced, leaving all other factors for further studies. The expected financial gain is calculated from the sample District. To do this the sum total Government expenditure on salary of Primary schools in the District for a particular month is collected, it is then compared with the amount of  average one month fee paid by the same number of Children in these school had they been sent to locally available Private Institutions. The result showed the significance of the study in State Educational Management and need to shorten the shifting period to stop unnecessary monetary lost for unpreferred type of education. The finding may also be worthwhile for consideration erstwhile in the developing states within or outside the country.


How to Cite
Lalthanliana, R. (2015). Looking for Alternative Way to Provide Free and Compulsory Primary Education, Financial Reason – A Case Study of Champhai District in Mizoram. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(6). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/140125