The Relevance of Philosophical and Ecumenical Education in the Nigerian Educational System


Agatha C. Kunuba


This article aims at emphasizing the significance of philosophy and ecumenism into the Nigerian educational curriculum in all levels of the educational system. Philosophical and ecumenical education enhances critical, creative and analytic thinking, an education where teachers are teachers and students and students are students and teachers at the same time (Emefoh I. 2012). The paper recommends that inculcating philosophical and ecumenical education in the Nigerian system of education at all school levels will aid the children towards a better living in the society. It will foster a community of inquiry where teacher and students search for the truth together. Ecumenical education brings about interconnectivity between epistemology, cultural and religious dialogue in the community of inquiry, which is the school. It is a unifying community where everyone, both teachers and students seek to know. According to Nwodo T. (2013), it is a unifying community of being, the being for others and for oneness. A metaphysical attribute of being that is characterized in agreement and common purpose.


How to Cite
Kunuba, A. C. (2015). The Relevance of Philosophical and Ecumenical Education in the Nigerian Educational System. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(6). Retrieved from