Problem Solving Ability and Attitude towards Mathematics as Predictors of Mathematical Achievement


Nidhi .
Gurmit Singh


The study was intended to predict Mathematical Achievement of Secondary School Students on the basis of their Problem Solving ability and Attitude towards Mathematics. The sample of the study consisted of 200 students of 10th class from Government Schools of Ludhiana city. Mathematics Achievement Test (2012) by Imam and Khatoon, Problem Solving Ability (2011) by Dubey, and Mathematics Attitude Scale (2012) by Imam and Khatoon were used to collect the data. The results of the study showed significant positive relation between Problem Solving Ability and Mathematical Achievement, also between Attitude towards Mathematics and Mathematical Achievement. The prediction of Mathematical Achievement on the basis of Problem solving ability and Attitude towards Mathematics was significant.


How to Cite
., N., & Singh, G. (2014). Problem Solving Ability and Attitude towards Mathematics as Predictors of Mathematical Achievement. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(8). Retrieved from