An Intervention Study on Knowledge and Practice of Child Rights in India


S. D. Mishra


 According to UNICEF Report more than 6 out of 10 respondents say they are very well or somewhat informed with respect to children's rights The purpose of the present study is to aware children about their rights through intervention. Researcher had selected those children who are orphans and destitute and staying in institutionalised home .In this present paper author has argued that if we accept the provision, protection and participation rights of children articulated in the UNCRC, then children should be aware and encourage it as well. In present study it has been found that after intervention children's knowledge and practice towards child rights has increased significantly and positively.


How to Cite
Mishra, S. D. (2015). An Intervention Study on Knowledge and Practice of Child Rights in India. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(6). Retrieved from