Veni Vedi Veci - A New Paradigm for Sustainability


D. R. Mane
Mansi Kapoor


Nature: Conceptual 

Objective: To highlight the importance of raising the level of human consciousness in order to build a more meaningful hence sustainable world.

Content: The paper begins by tracing some footsteps back into time. A research into a series of modern inventions has been done to emphasise  how over the centuries mankind has overpowered all  limitations of muscle and brain capacity, has exploited every possible resource on planet earth to overcome  time, distance and speed  only to become vulnerable like never  before. Climate change, rising conflicts, biological weapons, new age diseases, poverty, are all manifestations of extreme greed, distress,  evil and alienation  and we find ourselves on the brink of disaster. These consequences intended or unintended have been caused by a very limited perspective of what it means to be human, what we think is our place and our significance in the larger scheme of Life on planet earth and in the Universe .The paper concludes by emphasising that in order change our external world it is imperative to get to the heart of what it is to be human and collectively raise our consciousness and move towards higher aspiration. The paper highlights some eastern philosophies like the cyclical concept of time, a sense of balance between good and evil, harmony with elements of nature, rituals of worshipping, Illusion or  ‘ Maya' which help to provide a rich context for human life.

Significance:  The paper has significance in advocating the reason to shift awareness and pause to reflect on the way forward, the significance also is in raising the right questions and seeking for better answers. The use of figures and statistics is to a bare minimum so that numbers don't get the power over words and human emotion.


How to Cite
Mane, D. R., & Kapoor, M. (2015). Veni Vedi Veci - A New Paradigm for Sustainability. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(7). Retrieved from