Teaching Ethics in Economics


Sangita Kumari


There is an inseparable  connectivity between Ethics and Economics.   It is only recently that Ethics have  become almost a public issue and have started getting favourable responses from the  corporations, government agencies, shareholders, employees, suppliers, customers,  competitors, the news media and the society as a whole; although it was there for centuries in  some latent form  and it is still there and will remain there so long as the human civilization

remains.  In fact, all over the world, such ethical considerations are being given due  emphasis. All great men of the universe have spoken in favour of ethics. It is true not only in  a religious sort of grounds, but it is equally true in business, profession and in any form of  Economics. In fact, ethics and Economics  go hand in hand. This paper plans to  make an exploratory study of Ethics as an inseparable element  of Economics   on global perspectives.                                                                                


How to Cite
Kumari, S. (2014). Teaching Ethics in Economics. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(5). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/140209