The Mouthpiece Is Mum: Analysis of Two Dailies of Arunachal Pradesh


Sayan Dey


Since time immemorial, mass media has been a trusted entity in society providing people with information, education and entertainment. The mass media has beena vehicle forthe oppressed, voiceless and weaker section of the society. But with changing times, media has lately shifted its foci of attention from real issues that concern the masses to more petty matters. The news values have deteriorated so much so to carve in new segments like Yellow Journalism, Paid News etc. Even media has come under scanner following the trend of commoditising women, portraying them as entertainment products and overlooking the ground realities. The present paper aimed at conducting a Content Analysis of news items related to women published in two popular daily newspapers of Arunachal Pradesh. The study reveals the attitude of mass media in this underdeveloped state in India towards the women, providing scant attention to real issues pertaining to women.  Women issues are not really coming to fore in media platforms and it is suppressed in the glittering darkness of media mechanic of profit making.


How to Cite
Dey, S. (2015). The Mouthpiece Is Mum: Analysis of Two Dailies of Arunachal Pradesh. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(7). Retrieved from