India's Interests and Strategies in Afghanistan


Pankaj Kumar


In the post September 11th terrorist attack on the twin towers and consequent waging of war against the al-Qaeda and mastermind of the attack Osama Bin Laden, Afghanistan has emerged as a flash point in international politics. Though India could not play an appropriate role as it wanted to play in the war against terrorism in Afghanistan led by the US, however, got an opportunity to help Afghanistan to depart from the repressive Taliban regime to a democratic regime. This paper aims to underline India's major interest and strategies adopted by it in order to achieve those interests. Given the geographical proximity and earlier role of Afghan soldiers in carrying out terrorist operating in Jammu and Kashmir since 1990s, it argues that unlike the US military approach, India's approach has been centered on economic assistance and political institutional building. India has been constantly relying on expanding economic and cultural engagements between two states to bring both states closer. It might help India to de-radicalise the Afghan society that has great significance for terrorism in India.   


How to Cite
Kumar, P. (2014). India’s Interests and Strategies in Afghanistan. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(5). Retrieved from