A Study of Girls as Beneficiaries of School Education in Eastern Region of Uttar Pradesh


Vandana Goswami
Varsha Jain


Uttar Pradesh being the fourth largest and most populous State can be easily considered as the nerve center of India and all the images of India can be experienced here. There are eight Divisions in Eastern Region of Uttar Pradesh and every Division has its own peculiarity and specificity regarding geographical conditions and cultural diversity thereby influencing the enrolment trend of girl student. While a number of divisions of Uttar Pradesh are witnessing development, the eastern belt remains one of the most backward areas of the country. Hence it is necessary to find out - What are the variations in various Divisions of Eastern Region of Uttar Pradesh regarding girls' enrolment? In the present study, the researcher has thus decided to study the status of beneficiary girls of school education in the eastern region of the Uttar Pradesh State at various levels of school education. Such a study on the most representative State of the country may bring to light the true picture regarding the Universalization of School Education and the gender disparity status regarding girl's participation in school education in the eastern Uttar Pradesh. With all the limitations, the study brings together data disaggregated to the division level of eastern region of Uttar Pradesh on caste, region and level basis.


How to Cite
Goswami, V., & Jain, V. (2014). A Study of Girls as Beneficiaries of School Education in Eastern Region of Uttar Pradesh. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(6). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/140308