Mono-Culture Agricultural Scenario of Rice and Wheat in Haryana: A District-Wise Study


Rakesh Sihmar


There are many reforms took place in Indian agriculture such as, land reforms, green revolution, minimum support price and new economic reforms etc. These agriculture reforms create a new agriculture arrangement of mono-culture of rice and wheat in India as well as in Haryana. Both green revolution and minimum support price are the most responsible factors to develop this new mono-culture scenario of rice and wheat in India. Green revolution enhanced the productivity of almost crops however it is more favourable in rice and wheat. On the other hand minimum support price gave minimum price security for all the crops to farmers but in case of rice and wheat it gave higher price security to the farmers.


How to Cite
Sihmar, R. (2014). Mono-Culture Agricultural Scenario of Rice and Wheat in Haryana: A District-Wise Study. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(6). Retrieved from