Status of Women in Vedic Literature


Indu Bala


Vedas, Epics, Sutras, Upanishads, Aranayaks, Vedangas, philosophical-theological treatise form Vedic literature from which the references about Aryans are to be known. Due to various limitations in getting comprehensive view of the status of women in Vedic society, conclusion with regard to the importance of women in that society may only have a matter of personal choice, hence biased. The Vedic society was a patriarchal society with the preference as well as dominance of male child. This led to the degradation of the status of female in the family and society. Even then  in such a state of mind the references indicate the equal social, religious and  educational status for both boys and girls in Vedic society. The marriage and family life in the Vedas shows a very high degree of development. The tradition of child marriage cannot be traced to the Vedas. Three forms of marriages can be inferred from various hymns of the Vedas. The Monogamy, Polyandry, Sati, Niyoga and the custom of bride purchase was known in Vedas. Later Vedic literatures do not approve Polyandry, Purdah through legalize the polyandry. The Vedic literatures do contain some remarks and observations which are hurtful and degrade the very personality of women as such a part from lowering her status. The status of women in the Vedic society is assigned only when she attains marriageable age and established a home through marriage.


How to Cite
Bala, I. (2014). Status of Women in Vedic Literature. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(6). Retrieved from