An Examination of the Master Degree Programmes at University of Nairobi: Department of Educational Foundations, 1993-2014


Hardley Musiega Sogoni
Daniel Komo Gakunga
Joseph Nungu Musembi


Analysis of departments is central in identifying progress made in various tasks planned for. Master's degree studies are designed to prepare the graduates with higher skills needed for economic growth and social stability. Many studies have been carried on University of Nairobi with none addressing the Master's degree programmes in the Department of Educational Foundations from 1993 to 2014. The research made use of historical approach. The 7 academic staff member's responses, 26 documents and interview were utilized to collect data in line with the research objectives. The department existed as a Department of Educational Foundations that offered Master Degree courses in History of Education, Philosophy of Education, Sociology of Education and Comparative Education. A total of 174 students had enrolled in Master's degree programme and 77 % of students had been conferred with the Master Degree between 1993 and 2014 in department. Key recommendations include granting student's scholarships to pursue Master's Degree in the Department of Educational Foundations, offload scheme be initiates to relieve the overloaded academic staff compliment and Teachers Service Commission be advised to grant study leave with pay to teachers interested in furthering their studies.


How to Cite
Sogoni, H. M., Gakunga, D. K., & Musembi, J. N. (2018). An Examination of the Master Degree Programmes at University of Nairobi: Department of Educational Foundations, 1993-2014. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 6(11). Retrieved from