Near Death Experience from Vedantic Perspective


Suman Acharjee


This paper focuses on the concept of death from the point of view of Advaita Vedanta and modern science. Death is a matter of fear to all as its nature is unknown to all. Different scholars define death from their own perspective and thus death as a natural phenomenon becomes mystery to all. Various philosophers and thinkers found the valid ground of death in the lap of after death explanation. And that point the qualities like virtue and sin get their existence. In other words, it can be stated that the concept of ‘karma' gets its existence because of the unchanging natural phenomenon of death.  To the ignorant mind death bears a symbol of pessimism, but to the wisest it is a matter of optimism. A better understanding of life is possible if someone concentrates on the concept of death as life comes through death. From the Vedic period to this era of modern science, death as a concept attracts one's attention as it is a subjective phenomenon. The Advaita Vedanta provided a proper answer to this subjective phenomenon but science in this modern era with an objective outlook describes it as an end in itself. But the phenomenon like NDE (Near Death Experience) or OBE (Out of Body Experience) questions the validity of the scientific measurement. Though science has developed with the passage of time, the explanation of that subjective phenomenon is still based on mere induction. In different mythologies different characters wanted to get rid of the grip of death. Satan or Asuras without proper acquaintance of its real nature wanted to establish their supremacy over death but failed. On the other hand, saints or prophets thinking death as a natural phenomenon were able to free themselves from the cycle of life and death. The proper realization of the frailty of the human body can shoe the right path of universal brotherhood. Only death defines human beings as a similar entity, so proper knowledge of that concept with proper realization is needed to create a corruption free universe.


How to Cite
Acharjee, S. (2014). Near Death Experience from Vedantic Perspective. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(6). Retrieved from