Insurance Education in Turkey: The Role and Responsibilities of Shareholders


ć°smail Yıldırım


One of the main needs of the insurance sector is education. Insurance sector employees should have a good education for insurance activities in order to continue seamlessly. For insurance educations in Turkey; there are 10 faculties and higher education schools with 4 years of education, in addition there are 158 vocational schools offering education in insurance with 2 years of education. In the Turkish insurance sector, 17,704 people had been hired by 59 active insurance, reinsurance and pension companies as of December 31, 2012. Of the total employees of the insurance sector, the graduates of the schools which give 4 years of education constitute 62,78 %, while graduates of the schools which give 2 years of education constitute 16,25 %.

In this paper, primary laws and regulations related to insurance education are examined. Later, the personnel who employed in the insurance sector currently status in Turkey; their educational level and educational development are examined.



How to Cite
Yıldırım, ć°smail. (2014). Insurance Education in Turkey: The Role and Responsibilities of Shareholders. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(6). Retrieved from