Play Intervention in Paediatric Ward: Evaluation on its Benefits to Hospitalized Children


Usman Bukar Wakawa
Aminu Umar


Hospitalization in Nigerian focused mostly on medical satisfaction which was linked to service delivery to some extent. Design, especially in children's hospital seldom provides settings related aspects such as play activities that has the potential to influence children interaction with the environment. The aim of this study is to evaluate caregivers' perception of incorporating natural play items in children's hospital ward environment. Play intervention characterized by natural items such as sand, wooden blocks and logs, water, shells and stones are used to enhance children coping abilities on hospital norms and protocols. Structured interview  was conducted with twelve caregivers to elicit their perception of the ward as play environment. Content analysis of the  responses was done to evaluate the introduced play items and their effectiveness on coping abilities of children. Result indicates that the play activities represent a useful techniques for a more friendlier and restorative hospital environment  which can reduce the negative effect of children hospitalization experiences.


How to Cite
Wakawa, U. B., & Umar, A. (2014). Play Intervention in Paediatric Ward: Evaluation on its Benefits to Hospitalized Children. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(7). Retrieved from