Importance of the Library in the Society


Sukhwinder Singh


The present article gives an overview importance of the library in the society. The author discusses the fundamental right in this article. Fundamental Rights are very indispensable for person in the society. Library can save these fundamental rights. The author discusses that library is very beneficial for research work and develops the mind power of human being. Research work is not possible without the help of library. This paper examines that library plays prominent role in the society. Society revolves the library because library provides information as well as knowledge to the society.  Library is as the heart of any educational institution so library is very obligatory for any educational institution. The article highlights the corruption, illiteracy, poverty, unemployment etc. Library can remove corruption, illiteracy, poverty, unemployment in the society. The author explains discipline, cooperation, culture and socialization. Library can maintain discipline, cooperation, and culture and socialization easy way. Information, knowledge and communication are also discussed. Knowledge is power and library is a treasure house of knowledge. Today's age of information and information can get from library. Describes management, planning, direction and decision making which are important for society. Library provides direction to the user.  Education is also included in this paper. Conclusions and valuable suggestions are given in the last.



How to Cite
Singh, S. (2014). Importance of the Library in the Society. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(7). Retrieved from