Thlen in Khasi Society: Then and Now


Magdalyne Syiemlieh
Naomi Carey Nonglait


In the recent years, the reconstruction of the history of North East India has assumed new dimensions since not only literary sources are being used for the same but also the myths and other forms of oral traditions are taken into considerations. Since human beings, animals and other animate objects have a long association; they have often assumed the form of myth and can also be a reality. However, with changing times, the myths of the pre-literate societies have not only been continuing but also influencing the socio-psychology of the people at large (literate or illiterate). Thlen in the Khasi society is a kind of a devil that has various forms. The mysteriousness woven around U Thlen and its supernatural power which are devilish in nature cannot be explained though its consequences have been far reaching affecting the Khasi society at large. This paper comprises of three parts. The first part is a discussion on contextualising myth and oral traditions. The second part presents a thorough study of U Thlen in Khasi society in the earlier period and the third part is the condition in the contemporary time. In this background, this paper aims to study the myth of u Thlen and how it has affected the Khasi society and shaped their thoughts. Therefore, through this paper we are trying to study the legend of U Thlen in Khasi society through the ages.



How to Cite
Syiemlieh, M., & Nonglait, N. C. (2014). Thlen in Khasi Society: Then and Now. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(7). Retrieved from