Development of a Concept Model for Knowledge Dissemination among Livestock Based Women Self Help Groups in Kerala State, Kerala


T. P. Sethumadhavan
R. Senthilkumar
S. Ramkumar


Development of a concept model for knowledge dissemination can be viewed in terms of media, dissemination of knowledge and self help groups. Recently more number of women self help groups are interested to undertake livestock production as one of their livelihood options. Many women SHGs are involved in Goat and dairying as an income generating activity under the impression that it won't need much skill. But women SHGs involved in dairying gradually realize it implies skilled work. This results in  a knowledge gap among women SHGs in the areas of scientific livestock rearing practices in scientific breeding, selection of animals, housing, feeding, management, disease control, value addition and marketing of milk and milk products. Interventions, which will try to fill the above knowledge gap, must be given adequate importance. It is the duty of an extension worker to fill the knowledge gap so as to augment production. Women SHGs are interested to adopt simple technologies; that are sustainable, affordable and are available within their limits.  Kerala being a state with high literacy rate in the country, farm publications and newspapers can play a key role in the transfer of appropriate technologies to livestock farmers. If properly utilized they can also influence farmers in the adoption stage and will reduce the technological gap. A study was conducted among 400 farmers selected from three regions of Kerala state with the objective of identifying knowledge pathways so as to assess the knowledge gaps and improvement of the systems. Development of a concept model for knowledge dissemination among livestock based women Self help groups will address some of the major issues affecting food security and sustainable livestock production system in the state.



How to Cite
Sethumadhavan, T. P., Senthilkumar, R., & Ramkumar, S. (2014). Development of a Concept Model for Knowledge Dissemination among Livestock Based Women Self Help Groups in Kerala State, Kerala. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(7). Retrieved from