Richard Wagamese's Indian Horse: A Critique on Racism against Native Indians in Canada


Parvathy U.


Racism can be simply defined or understood as the ill- treatment of certain groups of people on the basis of their race. Racism originates from the ideologically constructed belief in society that certain racial groups are superior and others inferior. This baseless belief has been utilized by many groups to dominate, control and exploit the so- called inferior racial groups throughout the history.  Europeans have always regarded themselves superior to other groups and have employed this self-proclaimed racial superiority to dominate others in the society.  The colonial powers have exploited and marginalized Native Indians in Canada on the basis of their race and ethnicity. The Europeans, who invaded their lands, employed various discursive agencies to propagate their racial superiority and inferiority of the Native Indians. Their covert political aim was to make the natives despise their racial and cultural heritage and to adapt them to European ways and accept colonial rule as a benign civilizing act.

 Literature is an important weapon used by native writers to bring forth the truth behind such civilizing acts of colonizers. The native writers now employ the influence of literature in society to portray the marginalization and exploitation they face as a result of racism. Richard Wagamese (1995- present) is an important author and journalist from Ojibway Wabasseemoong First Nation in Ontario, Canada. Keeper'n Me (1994) , One Native Life (2008), Indian Horse (2013) and Medicine Walk (2014) are some of his important novels . Richard Wagamese is one such Native Indian writer, who employs the influence of various literary genres like novel and poetry to uphold the voice of Native Americans, to inform outside world the political, racial and cultural exploitation faced by Native Indians and to deconstruct the wrong notions created by white settlers about native culture and society. The present paper titled " Richard Wagamese's Indian Horse: A Critique on Racism against Native Indians in Canada  " tries to show how far Richard Wagamese is successful in  portraying the  exploitation and marginalization faced by Indians at the hands of  white  people  who boasts about civilizing and assimilating Indians into the mainstream society.


How to Cite
U., P. (2014). Richard Wagamese’s Indian Horse: A Critique on Racism against Native Indians in Canada. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(7). Retrieved from