Personality and Mental Health among Youth


Deepa K. Damodaran
Varghese Paul K


Mental health is part of an individual's capacity to lead a happy and fulfilling life. Disturbances to an individual's mental health compromise these capacities.  Personality has been defined variously as a set of learned behaviours, as a set of traits, or as a structure that organizes and integrates experience. The current study examined the influencing role of personality on the mental among youth in Kerala. The participants consisted of 211 undergraduate students between 18 to 24 years. The data were collected using the Mental Health Inventory and Eysenck's Personality Questionnaire- Revised.  The results revealed that among Eysenck's personality traits, Neuroticism significantly influences the mental health. The mean Global Mental health Index score was greater in the low neurotic group. There was no significant difference in overall mental health among youth in terms of Extraversion and Psychotism dimensions of personality. The results of the study conclude that mental health of Kerlite youth significantly differ based on their personality orientation and Neuroticism trait significantly influences mental health. The findings suggest the need for more effective mental health promotion and illness prevention approaches considering individual differences in terms of personality.


How to Cite
Damodaran, D. K., & K, V. P. (2014). Personality and Mental Health among Youth. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(7). Retrieved from