A Study on Unmet Need of Family Planning in Africa


J. Vijayalakshmi
Muvandimwe Emmanuel


The growing use of contraception around the world has given couples the ability to choose the number and spacing of children. Contraceptive use has increased worldwide over the last decade. Yet Africa like many regions of the developing world continues to have a high unmet need for family planning .the data for this study is obtained from DHS, Africa. The objectives of this study are to understand the extent of unmet need of family planning and to assess the benefits of family planning.


How to Cite
Vijayalakshmi, J., & Emmanuel, M. (2014). A Study on Unmet Need of Family Planning in Africa. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(7). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/140463