The Trade Union Movement in Nigeria: Historical Developments, Challenges and Future Prospects


Tinuoye Adekunle Theophilius


The global chain of production helped stimulate the growth of multinational corporations who control most of world trade and capital. But on other hand workers have not fared so well. Many men and women still toil and labor permanently in deplorable conditions and environments with no health or pension benefits, sick or annual leave, or even the assurance that they will have a job the next morning. Inarguably, workers need a platform to seek some modicum of day to day liberties in their work life

Against the above background, coupled with shrinking opportunities and decline in living standards, the Nigerian Trade Unions have been a veritable voice and platform for expressing the views of Nigerian workers. The paper traced the history of the trade unionism in Nigeria,  examined the historical developments in the Nigerian Trade Union Movement, highlighted the roles played by trade unions in national development and finally analyzed the challenges currently assailing trade unions in Nigeria. The paper concluded by noting that the need to protect workers lies at the heart of the evolution and development of trade unions throughout the world and with respect to this paper in Nigeria generally.


How to Cite
Theophilius, T. A. (2014). The Trade Union Movement in Nigeria: Historical Developments, Challenges and Future Prospects. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(7). Retrieved from