Neo-Natal Mortality in Uttar Pradesh: Socio-Economic and Health Care Determinants


Arun Kumar
Chandar Shekhar
Niyati Joshi
Rohini Sehgal
Alka Kriplani


The paper attempts to study the major factors that influence neonatal mortality in Uttar Pradesh state. Neonatal mortality is a major burden comprising nearly two thirds of infants deaths. Nearly 5 million neonates die each year in the world, of which 96 percent are in developing countries. In India neonatal mortality contributes 60 percent in the infant mortality. Improvement in neonatal survival is priority health agenda in India.  The Uttar Pradesh state which are demographically legging behind have neonatal and infant mortality higher than the national average. The study has tried to assess the level and trends of neonatal mortality and also the relative impact of demographic and health care determinants on neonatal mortality. Data from Sample Registration System and Reproductive Child Health District Level (2002-2004) has been used. The results reveals confirm the need to focus on factors leading to high risk of neonatal deaths The determinants of neonatal mortality were mother age birth, higher order births, short births intervals,  low birth weight , nutritional level of mother antenatal checkup, Institutional delivery and postnatal care.


How to Cite
Kumar, A., Shekhar, C., Joshi, N., Sehgal, R., & Kriplani, A. (2014). Neo-Natal Mortality in Uttar Pradesh: Socio-Economic and Health Care Determinants. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(9). Retrieved from