China-Africa Relations: How Tight Are the ‘Strings' Attached?


Mohamed A. Eno
Mohamed Azaza
Omar A. Eno
Justus K. S. Makokha


Observers view the expansion of China's relationship with African countries not only from its perspective as a multifaceted endeavour but also from the nuances extant in the academic and non-academic professional circles. The factors underlying the relationship have created debates across diverse academic disciplines including trade and finance, development, Peacekeeping and global security, diplomacy as well as in the areas of geopolitics and technology transfer. These discussions and debates emerged after China's aid and investments in Africa increased with incredible annual surges; thus attracting global attention. Drawing on the background of those discussions, this study aims to contribute to the ongoing debate by producing the perceptions (pros and cons) of individuals unrelated to official voices and state policies with regard to China's exploitations of African resources and the oft cited Chinese policy of ‘no strings' attached.


How to Cite
Eno, M. A., Azaza, M., Eno, O. A., & Makokha, J. K. S. (2014). China-Africa Relations: How Tight Are the ‘Strings’ Attached?. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(9). Retrieved from