Corruption in Zimbabwe, the Causes


Lincoln Hlatywayo
Andrew Mukono


The purpose of this research was to establish the factors that cause corruption in Zimbabwe. The research employed both qualitative and quantitative research designs (mixed methodology. Data was solicited from the ordinary members of the through in-depth interviews and questionnaires. The research revealed that poverty, greed, socio-economic status, human rights and politics are some of the main factors that contribute towards corrupt practices in Zimbabwe. The research recommended that the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) should be given more powers to deal with corrupt since high ranking officials were using loopholes in the available corruption instruments to avert arrest. It was also recommended that workshops for all government officials be continuously held especially on the forms and indicators (Early Warning Systems) of corruption Improving the quality of life for all workers through awarding good remuneration was also found to be one of the ways to curb corruption. More importantly there is need for the country's legislature to enact and enforce laws and policies on zero tolerance to corruption and subsequently putting in place very stiff penalties. 


How to Cite
Hlatywayo, L., & Mukono, A. (2014). Corruption in Zimbabwe, the Causes. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(9). Retrieved from