Assessment of the Sustainability of Ecotourism Development in the Tandooreh National Park-IRAN


Behzad R.
Mansoori M. S.
Jaybhaye R. G.


The main aim of the study was to help sustainability of ecotourism development in Tandooreh National Park for minimizing the environmental impacts, maximizing the visitor's satisfaction and optimizing the benefits to the local people. Sustainable tourism is the main pivot for Tandooreh National Park and to achieve this pair wise matching (SO, WO, ST, and WT) has been done. Thus by comparing internal and external factors in the matrix of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) acceptable strategies. In order to maximize the internal strengths and external opportunities and to minimize internal weaknesses and external threats on the TNP several strategies have been suggested for the sustainable ecotourism development and management.



How to Cite
R., B., S., M. M., & G., J. R. (2014). Assessment of the Sustainability of Ecotourism Development in the Tandooreh National Park-IRAN. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(9). Retrieved from