The Symbol ‘Chakra' in Ancient Indian Tradition


Pragya Chaturvedi


In ancient Indian tradition the symbol Chakra stands for the Supreme Law of the cosmos and human life. In Rigveda, Chakra is described as ‘ Sanemi' or ‘Sanabhi'.  Chakra is also described as an important weapon of Vishnu. Several Buddhist texts mention its relevance. In art Sarnath Pillar is the best example where ‘Mahachakra' at the top defines that the king should rule through Dhamma. The emblem of our National flag ‘Chakra' has been adopted from Sarnath Pillar which depicts the perfect picture of cosmos and human life.  Various artists have adopted and depicted this symbol in architecture. Jainas also worshiped ‘Chakrapatta' on the tablets. Thus, this symbol has a Universal appeal.


How to Cite
Chaturvedi, P. (2014). The Symbol ‘Chakra’ in Ancient Indian Tradition. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(9). Retrieved from